Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost. 即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上涨的生活费用。
It is said that the living cost and tuitions are very high in UK. 据说英国的生活费用和学费很高。
There is no way to reduce the living cost. 没有办法降低生活费用。
The living cost goes up when changes happen, which can affect life quality, Feng explained. 发生变化时生活成本会上升,这可能会影响生活质量,冯解释说。
And human resources are stabilized and concentrated because of the low living cost and high social rate of happiness. 生活成本低、幸福指数高则成为人才队伍稳定的重要因素。
When you want to live in Beijing have you ever take its expensive living cost into account. 当你决定在北京定居时,你有没有把它过于昂贵的生活费计算在内?
As for US, at least, it can get a higher living cost and an inflation. 对于美国而言,它至少会提高生活成本,加剧通货膨胀。
In my capacity as her financial sponsor, I will pay her tuition fees, living cost, and travel expenses. 我以她经济担保人的身份,将支付她的学费、生活费用以及旅费。
Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost. ( 1) the mounting indignation against Japan among the troops of Generals Chang and Yang and among the revolutionary people of the Northwest; 即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上涨的生活费用。(一)张杨部队及西北革命人民的抗日怒潮的高涨;
The wages can't stay abreast of the rising living cost. 工资跟不上日益上涨的生活费用。
Also can earn bit of basic living cost only. 也只能赚点基本的生活费。
It is better that oneself living cost or he go earning. 自己的生活费还是自己去挣比较好。
The security system of minimum living cost for rural residents has great realistic significance for safeguarding essential living for rural residents and promoting the social and economical development in rural areas and building the new socialist countryside. 摘要完善农村居民最低生活保障制度对保障农民群众的基本生活权益、促进农村社会经济稳定协调发展以及尽快建设社会主义新农村有着重要的现实意义。
US's fiscal deficit will continue to increase in order to rescue more "poor people", who richer than most people in developing countries, from higher living cost. 美国为挽救更多的“穷人”,财政赤字将继续增加,虽然这些“穷人”比发展中国家的富人要富有。
Total price index of living cost 生活费用价格总指数
I want to ask, go so that how much Qian Cai prepare does Han Guo study abroad enough ah? Connect living cost! Thanked! 我想问一下,去韩过留学得预备多少钱才够啊?连生活费的!谢谢了!
Monthly living cost in this big city can burn a hole in your pocket. 这个城市每月生活费用支出就足以让你的口袋见底。
The study has found that the tendency of their settling down in the urban areas largely depended on the difference of living cost and income level between urban and rural areas. 研究表明,城乡生活成本的差距和城乡收入水平的高低决定着农民工定居城市成为市民的倾向;
That DIAC regularly reviews the current living cost amount, and based on the CPI or other measure amend the amount, as required. 建议移民部根据消费者物价指数(CPI)或其他衡量物价的指标在需要时定期审查当前的生活费用水平。
The so-called ICS refer to those whose basic living cost is lower than the lowest food standard in the area, and who can not afford the tuition or the study necessities and who live without financial security. 所谓贫困大学生,是指国家招收的普通高校本专科学生在校期间基本生活费用难以达到学校所在地最低伙食标准,且无力缴纳学费及购置必要学习用品,日常生活没有经济保障的大学生。
Nowadays the security system of minimum living cost for rural residents has been widely established in the rural areas of our country. It is the key safeguard for the rural areas, which is also the foundation of our rural social security system. 当前,我国农村普遍建立了居民最低生活保障制度,这是保障农村社会稳定的最后一道安全网,是中国农村社会保障体系的基础工程。
The student annual living cost and gender are the main objective determinant factors of sport information consumption, and the place where student come from is the main objective factor which determinate service consumption. 学生年生活费用水平、性别是影响学生体育信息消费的主要客观因素;学生来源是影响学生体育劳务消费的主要客观因素。
The more and more high ratio of individual burden of tuition and living cost has become an urgent problem for those students whose domestic economy is not good, especially those poor students who come from rural areas. 学生学费和生活费个人负担的比重越来越高,这对于家庭经济相对困难、特别是来自农村的经济困难学生来说,就成为一个迫切需要解决的现实问题。
Since universities and colleges in China started to charge students in mid 90s of 20~ ( th) century, many university students, who are from urban layoff families, has faced heavy burden on tuition and living cost. 20世纪90年代中期我国高等院校实行全面收费制度后,对于相当多的考入高等院校的城市失业下岗人员的子女来说,高额的学费和生活费成为了他们沉重的负担。
The result shows that except for the subjective factors such as your interest in sports, the student annual living cost, the pressure of curriculum and gender are the main objective factors which determinate sport material consumption. 结果显示,除体育运动的兴趣爱好等主观因素外,学生年生活费用水平、课程压力大小、性别是影响学生体育实物消费的主要客观因素;
On the collection of the form, this paper changes the traditional way to use the range between Laspeyres and Paasche price index to estimate the price index of basic living cost, which is one of the innovations in this paper. 在指数形式上本文对传统方法进行了改进,采用拉氏价格指数和帕氏价格指数构成的区间,对基本生活费用价格指数进行估计,这也是本文的创新之一。
Taxation on labor payment should comply with net income and survival right protection principle, personal and family basic living cost should be deducted, income lower than lowest living cost is not within the scope of taxation. 对劳动报酬征税禁止过度,要遵循净所得和生存权保障原则,个人和家庭的基本生活费用应当扣除,低于最低生活费用的收入不属于征税范围。
The discrimination of urban common resource distribution not only increase the living cost of peasant workers, but also hurt the social welfare as a whole. 城市公共资源配置中的歧视不仅加大了农民工在城市生活的成本,也对整体社会福利造成损害。
As the process of the rule of law, the law has been non-temple things, flooring into thousands of families, as well as, the legal consumption has become the essential living cost added to the shopping list of everyday life. 随着法治进程的推进,法律已非殿堂之物,日渐走入了普通老百姓的日常生活,法律消费已成为公民必不可少的生活成本。
Those reforms have great effect on urban residents in many respects, such as living cost, income, competition and uncertainty. 这些变革对城镇居民在生活成本、收入、竞争和不确定性等方面产生了不同的影响。